VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
22.10.202410.2024с 01.01.2024
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Ideas of Russian Youth about Economic Morality [4, 2022]

Alikperova N.V. Markov D.I.

Improving Students’ Financial Literacy: Problem Relevance and Experience of the Research-and-Education Center [1, 2019]

Belekhova G.V. Razvarina I.N.

Increasing the Traffic of Scientific Institution Websites and Their Internet Promotion [5, 2016]

Tret’yakova O.V. Makoveyev V.N. Chugreev V.L.


Index of articles published in 2016 [5, 2016]

Index of articles published in 2017 [5, 2017]

Index of articles published in 2018 [5, 2018]

Index of articles published in 2020 [5, 2020]

Index of articles published in 2021 [5, 2021]

Index of articles published in 2022 [4, 2022]

Index of articles published in 2023 [4, 2023]

Information Needs of the Population and Evaluation of Mass media: Regional Research Experience [2, 2020]

Kaminskiy V.S. Bakhvalova I.M.

Innovation Potential of Russia’s Working Population in the Dynamics of Three Decades of Reforms [3, 2023]

Temnitskiy A.L.

Innovative Entrepreneurship as a Factor in the Population’ Quality of Life in Russian Regions [4, 2022]

Ivanov S.L.

Innovative Resources and Trajectories of Russian Workers in Modern Conditions of Labor Deconversion [3, 2023]

Bocharov V.Y. Klimova S.G. Sizova I.L.

Interaction Configuration of St. Petersburg Social Movements Organizations Aimed at Improving the Urban Environment Quality [5, 2019]

Tykanova E.V. Khokhlova A.M.

Intergenerational Interactions as a Factor of Preservation of Demographic Behavior [2, 2024]

Ildarkhanova C.I. Gnevasheva V.A. Ershova G.N.

Intergenerational Social Mobility and Its Impact on Health: Research Review [3, 2022]

Khodorenko D.K.

Internet Conference “Global Challenges and Regional Development in the Mirror of Sociological Assessment” [1, 2016]

Morev M.V. Paranicheva I.V.

Involving Young People in Research [4, 2022]

Terebova S.V. Ustinova K.A.

Issues of Application of Geo-Information Technologies in Agent-Based Modeling of the Regional Forest Complex [5, 2017]

Gulin K.A. Rigin V.A.

Issues of Identifying Gifted Children in Russia [5, 2017]

Razvarina I.N. Gruzdeva M.A.

Issues of Vologda Oblast Industry Development in 2017 [4, 2018]

Mel'nikov A.E.

Journal “Social Area” in the Assessments of Its Readers [1, 2017]

Zagrebel’nyi A.V.

Labor activity of the population in the Russian macro-region in the contemporary conditions [1, 2022]

Pasovets Y.M.

Labor Potential Assessment of Rural Territories of the Northwestern Federal District [5, 2016]

Likhacheva T.N.

Labor Productivity and Capital to Labor Ratio in Ensuring the Economic growth of the Russian Regions [1, 2018]

Rastvortseva S.N.

Labor Protests in Modern Russia: Types and Conditions [2, 2017]

Kalashnikov K.N.

Labor Situation of Economically Active Population of Households with Children [3, 2023]

Odintsova E.V. Kozlova M.B. Ryazantsev V.I. Chernykh V.A.

Language Policy in Russia: Main Directions, Problems and Prospects [5, 2021]

Sokolova T.I.