VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Information about the journal

Founder and publisher – Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolSC RAS).

Address of the founder and publisher: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014

Phone: +7 (8172) 59-78-03, fax: +7 (8172) 59-78-02, e-mail: sa@volnc.ru

The Journal was founded in 2015. Frequency - 4 times a year.

According to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the journal Social Area is on the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions that are authorized to publish principal research findings of doctor of sciences and candidate of sciences dissertations in the following scientific specialties:

5.4.1. Theory, Methodology and History of Sociology (Sociological)

5.4.2. Economic Sociology (Sociological)

5.4.3. Demography (Sociological)

5.4.4. Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes (Sociological)

5.4.5. Political Sociology (Sociological)

5.4.6. Sociology of Culture (Sociological)

5.4.7. Sociology of Management (Sociological)

The Journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (ЕL № FS 77 - 71355 on October 17, 2017) and the National agency for ISSN (№ 2499-9881).

The full text of articles is available only on the Russian website of the journal.

The important peculiarity, except the practical focus of the journals, is orientation on publishing investigation results not only authoritative scientists, but also young specialists, postgraduate students and candidates.

The Journal provides a platform for the presentation and discussion of research findings in historical, social, political, economic, ethical and other contexts. The purpose of the Journal is to present to wide public the results of Russian and foreign research into social space carried out in the framework of sociological and related sciences.

The priority subject matter of the Journal includes the following sections:

  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to the research into social space
  • Ethnic and demographic research
  • Social and humanitarian research
  • Socio-economic research
  • Socio-demographic research
  • Social and cultural research
  • Socio-political research
  • Gender research
  • Scientific life
  • Monitoring of changes (a section which includes current trends of public opinion and demographic situation monitoring)
  • From the Editorial Board
  • Scientific reviews

Target audience of the Journal is:

  • researchers, teachers, postgraduates, and students of higher educational establishments;
  • officials of the government and administration authorities on all levels;
  • heads and specialists of enterprises from different economic sectors and social sphere;
  • journalists, economists, sociologists, as well as a wide range of readers, who are interested in investigations of social and human sciences.

The expressed opinions and statements in the articles cannot coincide with the Editorial Staff’s point of view. The authors of publications bear responsibility for selection and treatment of materials. Copying of materials from the site of the Journal is acceptable only with the approval of the Editorial Staff.

All scientific papers submitted to the editor of the journal undergo mandatory double-blind peer review (the manuscript is sent to the reviewer without disclosing the information about the authors of the manuscript; the review is sent to the author without disclosing the information about the reviewer)

The journal does not charge any fees for considering and reviewing manuscripts.