VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Labor Protests in Modern Russia: Types and Conditions

Kalashnikov K.N.

2 (9), 2017

Kalashnikov K.N. Labor Protests in Modern Russia: Types and Conditions. Social area, 2017, no. 2 (9). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2257?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article analyzes the main features of the protest movement of employees in modern Russia, stressing not only the analysis of the spectrum of forms of labor protests, but also the study of their basic socio-economic conditions. The author notes that difficult socio-economic situation of current Russia (budgetary difficulties of the regions, the low liquidity level of companies, insufficient level of wages and its back pay) worsens a general institutional problem of weak development of social partnership tools. In spite of a small number of labor protests occurring each year in the country (several hundred), there is a number of circumstances demanding closer attention to the issue raised. Among them it is necessary to name a steady increase in the number of conflicts in recent years, the aggravation of the overall socio-economic situation in the country, the overall growth of protest potential in the Russian society. On the basis of statistics and the results of expert studies the article states and confirms that the instruments for the protection of social and labor rights provided by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation are ineffective. It forces workers to find new ways of defending their interests. As a result, the main part of labor protests, recorded in Russia, are not of types established by the labor code, but by general legislation of constitutional rights. The article notes that labor protests studies cannot rely only on official statistics (Rosstat), which provides information on the number of strikes. The studies on the issue should include the analysis of the expert assessments and personal observations. The information basis for the article is relied on official statistics (Rosstat), as well as on the expert assessments of the Center for Social and Labor Rights (Moscow), that have been studying the issue of labor protests in monitoring mode since 2008. The results of the study can be useful to the administrative authorities, in particular to labor and employment departments, in order to undertake measures to stabilize the situation in the sphere of labor relationship and society in general, and in academic activities within the courses of sociology, political science and conflictology. Future consideration for research is connected with the necessity and urgency of studying the role and involvement of trade unions in the settlement of labor conflicts and efficient improving of social partnership instruments


russia, labor protests, types of labor protests, stop-actions, employer, strike