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Journal section "Employment and the impementation of labor potential"

Labor Situation of Economically Active Population of Households with Children

Odintsova E.V., Kozlova M.B., Ryazantsev V.I., Chernykh V.A.

Volume 9, Issue 3, 2023

Odintsovа E.V., Kozlova M.B., Ryazantsev V.I., Chernykh V.A. (2023). Labor Situation of Economically Active Population of Households with Children. Social area, 9 (3). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2023.3.39.2 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/29751?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2023.3.39.2

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the results of the research aimed at identifying the peculiarities of labor situation of economically active population of Russian households with children. The study is based on microdata from the Comprehensive monitoring of living conditions of the population by Rosstat and the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey by the Higher School of Economics (HSE). Employment and unemployment rates for persons aged 15 years and older living in households with children, compared to persons aged 15 years and older in general were determined. The authors have considered the composition of the employed from households with children, depending on the level of education and professional and qualification status, and of the unemployed, depending on their level of education, including in comparison with the employed and unemployed in general. The involvement in precarious/sustainable employment of individuals from households with children and those employed on average was compared. The peculiarities of distribution of precariously and steawdily employed persons among those living in households with children with regard to the level of education and professional and qualification status have been revealed. The level of income from employment depending on the presence of children was assessed. It is shown that those employed with children have higher risks of not providing their households with minimum or socially acceptable standards of per capita income. The change in the level of income from employment with changes in the level of education and professional and qualification status is considered. The labor status of the economically active population of Russian households with children is studied in dynamics – for the years of 2020 and 2022. The results of the study indicate the need to update the state policy in the sphere of employment, income policy, demographic development and other areas affecting the interests of households with children


employment, quality of employment, unemployment, precarious employment, income from employment, labor situation, households with children

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