VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Issues of Identifying Gifted Children in Russia

Razvarina I.N., Gruzdeva M.A.

5 (12), 2017

Razvarina I.N., Gruzdeva M.A. Issues of Identifying Gifted Children in Russia. Social area, 2017, no. 5 (12). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2435?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the analysis of domestic and foreign experience of providing support to gifted children and identifies promising directions of work in this area. We used the following policy documents of the federal level as the information base: the target program “Gifted children”, the Concept for a national system of identifying and developing young talent etc., scientific publications of domestic researchers, information materials on the foreign experience, the results of legislative activity in Russia aimed to support and identify gifted children. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the problems of identification and support of gifted children in Russia. The analysis showed the low awareness of the importance of evidence-based programs in this field of work at the level of public authorities; lack of consistency in the use of technologies and methods of work with gifted children; lack of a unified system for advanced training and professional retraining of teachers to prepare them to work with gifted children. The analysis of the experience presented in the article leads to the conclusion about the necessity of further improvement of interagency cooperation on the organization of work with gifted children in educational, medical organizations, and in social protection institutions in order to develop creative abilities in children and young people and implement the need for support of such children during the period of their self-realization. This task involves the strengthening of networking between schools for gifted children, including special schools at universities; the development of a network of extra-mural, remote/in class, and remote schools to identify and organization the work with gifted children from low-income families, the creation of specialized centers coordinating the work with gifted children in the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of research organizations; the creation of federal and regional databases on identification and support of gifted children and talented youth


creativity, interagency cooperation, gifted children, intellectual potential, medical-psychological-pedagogical monitoring