Korolenko Aleksandra V.
Articles in this journal
Concept of the Agent-Based Model “Digital Demographic Twin of the Vologda Region” [№1, 2024]
Marriage and Family Structure: State and Trends in the Results of the Russian Census [№2, 2023]
Reasons for Postponing Childbirth and Society’s Attitude to Childlessness: Results of In-Depth Interviews with Russian Families [№3, 2022]
Active Ageing in the Life Practices of the Vologda Oblast Population [№1, 2022]
Demographic Outcomes of 2020: Statistical Artifacts and Social Paradoxes of the Pandemic [№5, 2021]
Mortality in Russian Regions in the Current Decade: Trends, Structure, and Differentiation of Indicators [№3, 2020]
“Time for Children”: Modern Parents’ Resource Opportunities [№5, 2019]
Trends in Demographic Dynamics of the Vologda Oblast in 2000–2017 [№3, 2019]
Human Potential of the Child Population: Understanding and Assessment [№5, 2018]
Some Aspects of the State of a Modern “Institute of Grandmothers”: Experience of Sociological Research [№4, 2018]
Outcomes of Russia’s Demographic Development in 2000–2016 [№4, 2017]
About Some of the Results of the 2015 Microcensus of the Population [№2, 2017]
Physical Health in Subjective Assessments of the Population of the Vologda Oblast: Territorial Aspect [№1, 2017]
Regional Features and Preconditions of Longevity in Russia [№4, 2016]