VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Monitoring of the demographic situation"

Outcomes of Russia’s Demographic Development in 2000–2016

Korolenko A.V., Kalachikova O.N.

4 (11), 2017

Korolenko A.V., Kalachikova O.N. Outcomes of Russia’s Demographic Development in 2000–2016. Social area, 2017, no. 4 (11). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2374?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Demographic monitoring which consists in systematic tracking of changes in the number and structure of the population and performance of demographic processes plays a significant role in assessing the efficiency of the public policy and identifying the threats of demographic development of the country and its regions, the development of functional projections, monitoring the impact of socio-economic processes on population reproduction. The purpose for the research is to analyze the trends and summarize the outcomes of Russia’s demographic development in 2000–2016. The authors have revealed that in general, over the observation period, the demographic situation in the country improved. Natural population decline in 2013 was for the first time since 1992 re[laced by its growth (0.2‰), which on the background of migration inflows contributed to the overall increase in population. The birth rate, especially in rural areas, increased significantly. Life expectancy of the Russian population increased by 6 years and reached 71.4 years. The mortality rate from external causes (by 48%), circulatory diseases (by 27%) and respiratory diseases (by 32%) decreased. However, a series of negative changes has also been revealed. The country’s population decreased by 2 million and amounted to 144.9 million from 2000 to 2016 (excluding the Crimean Federal district), with the most significant decrease among the rural population (1.7 million people). In 2016, natural population growth once again reached zero level, which indicates a “new wave” of depopulation. The shift of birth maximum from younger to older age population groups of reproductive age and reduction of the most active groups of reproductive age will lead to lower fertility in the near future. The country’s life expectancy is lower than the average in developed countries (79 years). besides, there is a huge gap in life expectancy of men and women (10.8 years). The authors revealed significant differentiation among Russia’s constituent entities by total life expectancy and total fertility rate, as well as differences in demographic development of the country’s urban and rural areas. Thus, despite the obvious improvement of the demographic situation in Russia during 2000–2016, it would be currently premature to say that the demographic issues have been overcome


population, demographic development, fertility, mortality, demographic monitoring, natural population movement, migratory movement (migration)