VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Monitoring of the demographic situation"

Trends in Demographic Dynamics of the Vologda Oblast in 2000–2017

Korolenko A.V.

3 (20), 2019

Korolenko A.V. Trends in Demographic Dynamics of the Vologda Oblast in 2000–2017. Social area, 2019, no. 3 (20) URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/28251?_lang=en DOI: 10.15838/sa.2019.3.20.4

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2019.3.20.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article analyzes trends in demographic dynamics of the Vologda Oblast in 2000–2017. It was found that during the observation period, the demographic situation in the region deteriorated. The number of permanent population decreased by 122.9 thousand people (10%), especially in rural areas (81.4 thousand people, 20%). Of all municipalities, there was an increase in population (by 11.0 and 1.3 thousand people, respectively) only in the city of Vologda and in the Vologda Oblast. The most significant decrease in the number of inhabitants (more than 1/3) was recorded in Belozerskii, Vashkinskii and Kharovskii districts. During the period under review, the share of the working-age population decreased from 59 to 54%, the share of people over the working age increased from 21 to 26%. In most municipalities the share of able-bodied citizens in the younger age groups, whereas the share of population over working age has increased substantially in Vashkinskii (14%), Kilillovskii (12%) and Belozerskii (11%) districts. The greatest loss of population in the Vologda Oblast in 2000–2017 was its natural decline. In the period from 2000 to 2009, it was partially compensated by migration growth, which since 2010 has been replaced by migration outflow. The classification of municipalities by ratio of parameters of natural, migration and general population movement showed that in 2017 the vast majority of municipalities (22) were among territories with the most unfavorable demographic situation, in 15 of them the situation got worse compared to 2000. In general, for 2000–2017 the mortality rate in the region decreased by 10%, and the birth rate increased by 30%. Despite this, the natural decline continues to persist in the region. In 2017, the natural increase was observed only in the regional center (0.2‰). The largest natural loss are characteristic for Vashkinskii (-13.9‰) and Mezhdurechenskii (-13.7‰) districts. The group of migration donors in 2017 included 23 municipalities, while in 2000 there were 10 of them. The maximum migration outflow is currently observed in Chagodoshchenskii (-14.2‰) and Belozerskii (-13.9‰) distracts, whereas the highest migration flow rates are in Vologodskii (3.8‰) and Sheksninskii (3.5‰) districts


migration, fertility, mortality, vologda oblast, natural movement, demographic dynamics, natural growth (decline)