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Journal section "Monitoring of changes"

Mortality in Russian Regions in the Current Decade: Trends, Structure, and Differentiation of Indicators

Korolenko A.V.

Volume 6, Issue 3, 2020

Korolenko A.V. Mortality in Russian Regions in the Current Decade: Trends, Structure, and Differentiation of Indicators. Social area, 2020, vol. 6, no. 3. DOI: 10.15838/sa.2020.3.25.7 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/28619?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2020.3.25.7

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Consideration of demographic development’s regional characteristics and a differentiated approach to development and implementation of regional programs in this area are the key principles of the Russian Federation’s demographic policy. This is why studies on regional differentiation of demographic parameters become relevant. Russia’s lag from developed countries in terms of life expectancy, caused by a significant excess of its population’s mortality rates due to most major classes of mortality causes, indicates the existence of resources for the reduction of mortality and the increase of Russian population’s life expectancy. The purpose of the article is to analyze mortality indicators of Russian population (within regions too) and its ratio, structure of mortality, and dynamic changes of these characteristics in 2009–2018. The information basis of the research includes the Federal State Statistics Service’s materials for the analyzed period; in particular, the dynamic series of mortality indicators (a number of deaths, mortality coefficients from primary classes of causes) for all Russian regions. The author analyzed the dynamics of regional population mortality from primary classes of mortality causes for 2009–2018, identified the territories with the highest and lowest mortality, and evaluated regional differentiation in a value of indicators. The features of the mortality structure within primary classes of mortality causes were studied, and the regions with the maximum and minimum contribution of each class to a total mortality were determined. Rates of changes of mortality indicators within primary classes of mortality causes were analyzed. The results of the study may be valuable for understanding the scale of regional mortality differentiation in Russia and, therefore, making specific management decisions aimed at the reduction of mortality and the increase of life expectancy of the country’s population


regional differentiation, russian regions, mortality of population, mortality structure, classes of mortality causes