VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Humanities"

Revisiting the Supervision of Postgraduate Students at ISEDT RAS

Kelsina A.S.

3 (5), 2016

Kelsina A.S. Revisiting the Supervision of Postgraduate Students at ISEDT RAS. Social area, 2016, no. 3 (5). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/1946?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Education reforms have affected the institute of postgraduate studies which developed in the Soviet time. Its key performance indicators have had a declining trend over the past decade. Nowadays postgraduate studies are included in Russia’s higher education system as the third level. Principal educational programs of scientific and pedagogical staff training are developed in accordance with Federal State Education Standards. A postgraduate student, in case of successful graduation, receives a diploma of education and qualification. At the same time some experts note the ambiguous character of adopted innovations. Improving the quality of young scientists training in the framework of postgraduate studies depends on many factors, such as the identification and selection of students inclined to scientific work, the improvement of conditions for scientific activities and raising prestige of a scientist. The level of postgraduate students’ supervision is directly related to the quality of young scientists training. A scientific supervisor is at the same time a teacher, a critic and a guarantor of successful thesis presentation. The problem of scientific supervision is studied from the psychological, educational, managerial and regulatory point of view. Global supervision practice is determined by the existing national traditions. At the same time, however important the issues, the experts note the absence of a specially developed theory and methodology of scientific supervision. The article considers one of the current problems of teaching staff training in postgraduate institutions – the problem of scientific supervision in the process of Candidate’s thesis preparation. The regulatory area of supervisor’s activity is presented and the results of a postgraduate students’ survey devoted to the analysis of their interaction with the supervisor are provided in the article


postgraduate study, scientific supervisor, postgraduate students’ training, young scientists training quality improvement