VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-demographic research"

Family as a Determinant Basis for Achieving Human Success (Based on the Results of the Taganrog Project)

Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V., Avacheva T.G.

Volume 10, Issue 3, 2024

Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V., Avacheva T.G. (2024). Family as a Determinant Basis for Achieving Human Success (Based on the Results of the Taganrog Project). Social area, 10 (3). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.3.43.6 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/30093?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.3.43.6

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The study is based on empirical data from the Taganrog Project. The project is unique for Russia; it has been realized on the basis of the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISESP RAS) since 1967. Such a longitudinal study provides an opportunity to study socio-economic indicators that characterize the life of the population of a city in dynamics. The last iteration of the project was conducted in 2014. As a result, unique data were obtained to determine the impact of modernization processes on people’s everyday life in the households of a particular city. In the course of the research, the authors assessed the degree to which the “family” factor influences personal success. The authors have revealed certain regularities and the degree of influence of individual components on such a concept as “personal success” and individual satisfaction with the quality of life on the basis of econometric modeling. It is proved that success is influenced by many factors in modern conditions. 7 main factors were identified for modeling on the basis of data verification. According to the allocated groups of variables, the calculated average index of success was 3.45, and the integral one, taking into account the correlation analysis, was equal to 4.84. It should be emphasized that the “family” factor has a dominant high value of 4.11 among all the factors, because it is the family in a broad sense that is perceived by society as an opportunity for self-realization, as well as a certain institution that allows to provide individual (subjective) protection, satisfaction, confidence in oneself, one’s guidelines and attitudes. These questions have always been topical


family, quality of life of the population, family influence on success, econometric modeling, model for assessing socioeconomic indicators

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