VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Career Habitus of University Students in the Context of the Gig Economy: Empirical Study

Dianov R.K.

Volume 9, Issue 4, 2023

Dianov R.K. (2023). Career Habitus of University Students in the Context of the Gig Economy: Empirical Study. Social area, 9 (4). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2023.4.40.7 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/29828?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2023.4.40.7

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Considering the transformations in the socio-professional structure that emerged under the influence of post-industrialization, the article attempts to develop a theoretical framework for understanding career habitus. Guided by this framework, we conduct an empirical study aimed at outlining fundamental characteristics of career habitus among Moscow university students amid the rise of the gig economy as a system of labor relations, in which temporary and short-term employment has become pervasive. The empirical research consists of two stages: qualitative semi-structured interviews and an online survey. Our typology of career habitus has demonstrated its productivity in terms of researching the perceptions of student youth about professional development. The findings indicate that basic characteristics of the industrial career habitus are present in the university students. It is manifested in respondents’ desire to have a permanent employment contract, a standard work schedule, guaranteed and regular paycheck, and social benefits. The university students aspire to work in a reliable organization that provides them with opportunities for both position advancement and income growth. Organizations themselves are perceived as means to shield young individuals from labor market uncertainties and risks. On the other hand, the career habitus of the student youth exhibits certain post-industrial traits: desire to work from home, drive for self-realization, readiness for relatively frequent changes of employers, etc. However, the gig economic career habitus, as a distinct subtype of the post-industrial habitus, characterized by a desire to break free from “corporate slavery” and to be an independent worker, is not widespread among the Moscow students


young people, university students, career habitus, career orientations, gig economy

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