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Journal section "Socio-political research"

Sociology of Management in the Chinese Dimension: Institutionalization Problems

Kremnyov E.V.

Volume 9, Issue 4, 2023

Kremnyov E.V. (2023). Sociology of Management in the Chinese Dimension: Institutionalization Problems. Social area, 9 (4). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2023.4.40.4 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/29825?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2023.4.40.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Currently, there is a growing need to study the experience of sociological schools in countries that for some time were in a state of “catching-up development” and gradually increased their opportunities to participate in the processes of world science. The article is devoted to the state and prospects of development of Chinese mainland sociology, especially as it relates to the sociology of management. The scientific problem is tied to understanding the degree of influence of three factors (traditionalism, ideology and pragmatism) on the formation and development of this branch of sociology. The paper applies a system-modeling methodology, including factor analysis to identify the state and prospects of development of sociology of management as a scientific branch. Based on the principle of historicism and continuity/discreteness of cultural and social development, the paper considers the concepts of traditionalism, ideology and pragmatism in the context of the development stages of Chinese mainland sociology and sociological and managerial concepts. We describe the main strategies chosen by Chinese sociologists at different stages of sociology’s modern development. In the 1980s, it was studying foreign management experience and searching for ways to adapt it, adhering to Marxist ideology and searching for their own, region-specific path of sociology’s development. In the 1990s–2000s, it was the refusal to fully institutionalize sociology of management in the country, despite the developing attention to this field. The article also notes the trend of the 2010s, associated with the growing importance of the concept of social management in Chinese sociology. The conclusions point out that it is the determining influence of the factors of traditionalism, ideology and pragmatics that leads to the redistribution of directions studying management not in favor of sociology. Each of these factors is in contact with sociology within interdisciplinary fields, but only one aspect – social governance – is fully owned by sociology. On the basis of this analysis, we assume that sociology of management in China will continue developing in the following patterns: explicit borrowing of foreign methods and implicit distribution of Chinese governance research among different social sciences


ideology, china, China, sociology of management, pragmatism, traditionalism

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