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Journal section "Socio-demographic research"

Life Expectancy in Modern Russia as a Component of the Qualitative Potential of the Population

Dobrokhleb V.G.

Volume 8, Issue 3, 2022

Dobrokhleb V.G. (2022). Life Expectancy in Modern Russia as a Component of the Qualitative Potential of the Population. Social area, 8(3). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.3.35.1 URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/29377?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2022.3.35.1

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The purpose of the research is to identify the features of the qualitative potential of the population in terms of gender imbalance in the life expectancy of men and women. Gender approach is a trend in the social sciences that focuses on achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men in society. It recognizes the biological differences between men and women, but gives significant importance to the socio-cultural assessment and interpretation of social differences. Russia is at the second stage of depopulation, the increase of which is due, among other things, to demographic aging. As of January 1, 2021, the population reduction amounted to 510.4 thousand people compared to 2020 due to the pandemic. Distinctive features of Russia’s demographic dynamics are the imbalance of the sex ratio in age groups, as well as low rates of overall life expectancy and overall healthy life expectancy. At the same time, indicators of life expectancy, including those of men and women separately, are an essential characteristic of the quality of the population. Last year, the Russian Federation took 110th place in the ranking of average life expectancy in the countries of the world. At the same time, the country ranks 43rd in the world in economic development rankings, 40th in the world in terms of education, 65th in the world in terms of social development index. The peculiarities of gender differences in overall life expectancy in Russia are caused by insufficient development of social institutions aimed at “saving the people”. The country needs institutional transformations related to the growth of life expectancy and the reduction of gender imbalance in life expectancy indicators for men and women


quality of population, life expectancy, gender gap, healthy life expectancy, demographic gender asymmetry, quality potential of the population, gender approach

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