VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

VolRC RAS Research-and-Education Centre as a Research-Education Project

Yegorikhina S.Y.

5 (17), 2018

Egorikhina S.Yu. VolRC RAS Research-and-Education Centre as a research-education project. Social area, 2018, no. 5 (17). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.5.17.11

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.5.17.11

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The rapid introduction of science in all spheres of life and production requires both a broad theoretical outlook and creative approach from young professionals to solving various problems. In this regard, they should possess not only the necessary fundamental and specialized knowledge, but also certain skills, the desire to constantly improve them, quickly adapt to changing conditions. In order to identify and realize their intellectual and creative potential it is necessary to create special conditions. Practice shows that one of the effective forms of integration of educational, scientific, and innovative potential of a country is scientific and educational centers whose main purpose is quality training of young professionals and highly qualified specialists in priority areas of scientific and technological development of the country. Important principles of arranging educational activities of such centers are the elaboration of new programs that develop and combine research and educational process, the introduction of new academic disciplines and interdisciplinary courses, the development of methods of individual training and the introduction of innovative educational technologies, conferences, competitions, etc. The purpose of the article is to consider an integrated approach to training highly qualified young professionals in the framework of the research-and-education center. To achieve this goal, the paper presents the theoretical and methodological framework for the formation of research-and-education centers, as well as the experience of the Research-and- Education Center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” in promoting science among talented and promising young people in the region, developing their research potential in the framework of a systematic approach to training within the chain “school – university – master’s degree – postgraduate studies – research activity” over the past five years. It is emphasized that the features of the approach to training young researchers are not only the principle of lifelong education, but also connection of theory and practice and use of diverse methods of training and education. The Center implements an integrated system of training for schoolchildren, students, and postgraduates, providing training for science, education, and region’s economy which has demonstrated its efficiency for 15 years


talented youth, research-and-education center, integrated learning system

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