VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Forming Research Competence of Students: Methodological Aspect (Experience of VolRC RAS REC)

Sukhareva L.M., Kulakova A.B.

4 (16), 2018

Sukhareva L.M., Kulakova A.B. Forming research competence of students: methodological aspect (experience of VOLRC RAS REC). Social area, 2018, no. 4 (16). DOI: 10.15838/sa/2018.4.16.9

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.4.16.9

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article studies the formation of research competence of schoolchildren in the modern educational system. The purpose of the study is to systematize methodological recommendations for forming research competence by summarizing the teaching experience of the Research-and-Education Center of the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolRC RAS REC). The article presents a brief overview of conceptual foundations of the competence approach, the opinion of a number of scientists involved in research in this sphere, the framework principles and key concepts of the approach, the understanding and correlation between “competency” and “competence”, and the review of scientific theoretical and methodological approaches to defining a research competence. Based on content analysis of approaches it is concluded that it is a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, and experience in conducting research, obtaining specific new knowledge, a new intellectual product, creating a new project, a new solution to the problem, quality and skills that a person should show when conducting an effective study of any issue. The long-term educational practice of the Research-and-Education Center in developing research competences of schoolchildren helps develop a unique method of working in this area, which includes various forms of working with students of the Center, teaching techniques, quality implementation of which helps achieve good results in the field of research. The final part of the article provides methodological recommendations on forming research competences, conclusions, and identifies further prospects for improving the model of research competence development within the educational process of the Research-and-Education Center


problem-based learning, research-and-education center, competence approach, research competence, development-based learning, critical thinking