VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Theoretical Aspects and Foreign Experience in Building the HR Reproduction System for Innovation-Driven Economy

Klimova Y.O.

3 (15), 2018

Ushakova Yu.O. Theoretical aspects and foreign experience in building the hr reproduction system for innovation-driven economy. Social area, 2018, no. 3 (15). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.3.15.4

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.3.15.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Market globalization accelerates the processes of technology and innovation diffusion, which is reflected in the emergence of new professions and activities with higher requirements to personnel skills and competencies due to intensified science-intensive production processes. The key factors ensuring economic competitiveness are human resource potential and its efficiency. Insufficient knowledge of the features of expanded HR reproduction and the system of personnel training for building innovation-driven economy indicates the urgency of this problem. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to study the theoretical aspects of expanded HR reproduction for innovation-driven economy and experience in HR training in countries with developed economies. The issues devoted to HR reproduction were raised in works by both foreign (A. Davis, L.A. Karoli, E. Kip, etc.) and domestic (V.A. Gurtov, A.K. Kazantsev, O.P. Markova and others) researchers. The approaches to defining “expanded HR reproduction” are analyzed and the author’s interpretation of this term is given. The main categories of specialists of innovation-driven economy are reviewed. Based on the study of stages of innovation it is identified that the specialists in the field of innovation-driven economy are engaged in R&D, applied and fundamental research; engineering and development personnel carrying out R&D, creating or improving high-tech products; technological entrepreneurs whose activities are aimed at market research to identify the population’s needs for new products. We carry out analysis of staffing in Russian innovation-driven economy, which indicates a reduction in the number of staff employed in R&D, as well as a decreased share of graduate and doctoral students in the total number of researchers. Analysis of the foreign experience in training personnel for innovation-driven economy is conducted in three groups of specialists: scientific, engineering, and technical personnel and entrepreneurs. The experience of countries with developed economies indicates that a key component of R&D personnel training is systematic interaction of universities with enterprises, which helps train personnel focused on a particular enterprise that meets the requirements of the economy. The practical significance of the research is associated with the possibility of using the research results to improve the system of scientific and technical personnel training by educational institutions and enterprises. In the next stages of the research it is planned to develop tools to improve the system of training to ensure the process of building an innovation-driven economy


foreign experience, innovation-driven economy, expanded hr reproduction, researchers, engineering and design personnel, technological entrepreneurs