Understanding the current processes of educational migration, identification of groups of factors affecting the population’s decision to migrate, forms an attractive educational environment able to maintain the accumulated human potential of the region. The purpose for the article is to determine the factors in educational migration of the population of the Vologda Oblast. The research used methods such as surveys, data analysis, and projection. The research novelty lies in substantiating and identifying managed factors in population’s educational migration, which will be useful in the implementation of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Vologda Oblast up to 2030 (Strategy–2030). The article reflects the results of a number of sociological surveys conducted in the Vologda Oblast by the “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” in 2016–2017. The studies identified the main reasons why people seek education outside the region, showed how much influence these or other circumstances have on the choice of an educational institution, and considered what causes hinder migration despite the desire to study in universities in other regions of the country. The paper highlights groups of factors in educational migration: general factors; factors affecting the choice of place of education; factors preventing migration to another settlement in order to receive education; factors hindering education at the place of residence. It is shown that the greatest importance when making a decision to receive education outside the territory of residence belongs to educational goals and seeking employment; the choice of educational institution of vocational education is influenced, in particular, by factors such as territorial proximity, availability of state-funded places and hostels. The research results may be useful for the authorities to take into account when forming conditions for creating an attractive educational environment for young people. The prospects for further research lie in the study of migration attitudes of the population of the Vologda Oblast associated with employment after graduation from institutions of vocational education
region, standard of living, migration policy, population, migration, educational factor