VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Humanities"

Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Educational Process: Practical Experience

Kulakova A.B.

5 (12), 2017

Kulakova A.B. Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Educational Process: Practical Experience. Social area, 2017, no. 5 (12). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2442?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article considers the system of psychological and pedagogical support of educational process on the example of the Research and Education Center at Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author examines the relevance of the topic and analyzes the scientific approaches to the definition of “psychological support” proposed by research scientists G. Bardier, L.M. Shipitsina, E.M. Aleksandrova, M.R. Bityanova. The publication reveals key features of psychological and pedagogical support as a process aimed to develop self-understanding and personal growth of its participants. Next, the article presents practical experience of the Research and Education Center at Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the city of Vologda. In order to train highly qualified personnel in the sphere of socio-economic development and management, the Research and Education Center at Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2003 has been implementing the idea of integration of scientific knowledge and education through the organization of targeted training of researchers in the “school – university – academic graduate school – professional scientific activity”. To date, the Research and Education Center has a subsystem of the general, secondary and additional education of children, including organizing and conducting classes in economics, mathematics, computer science; there are the economic online school and graduate school there. Since September 2017, it is planned to include one more link in this chain – master’s degree courses. Accordingly, in order to build and implement a complete educational process that would help form and develop the personal potential of students at all stages of training, it is necessary to build a comprehensive, efficient, and adequate system. At the Research and Education Center, this function is fulfilled by the psychological and pedagogical support team, the main mission of which is to provide student-oriented, developmental nature of education. The author presents the objectives of the psychological-pedagogical support team at the Research and Education Center, schematically represents the main directions of activities of the model for support of each of the participants of educational process and reveals their content, analyzes the prospects for further development and improvement of the model. The experience of organization of psychological and pedagogical support in the Research and Education Center can be useful to specialists of educational and scientific spheres


research and education center, psychological and educational support, psychological assistance, psychological and pedagogical support model