The article investigates the issues of formalization of the social environment of the regional forest complex with the aim of forming the structure of the respective elements in agent-based models. The complexity of the task is associated with the need to consider a large number of social agents, each of which has a lot of different interests that change in time, and their implementation may be associated with the formation of social institutions. The author proposed a new approach to the installation of the structure of social institutions based on the analysis of possible interests of the population living in a particular area, as well as the values of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. In accordance with the proposed approach, the author develops a model for the formation of social institutions, the distinguishing feature of which is its focus on a specific subject area – the regional forest complex. The article presents the following main results obtained by the author: an analytical review of existing approaches to the description of the social environment, which helps identify two possible ways of installing the institutional structure of a social system (the static way, associated with the typing of the existing structure of institutions with the subsequent description of the models of their behavior, and the evolutionary way associated with identifying the features of origin of the institutions and shaping the patterns of their synthesis and development); the model of identifying social institutions that implements the evolutionary path of installation of the structure of institutions of the social system based on the assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the population living in a particular area differentiated on existing interests; the analytical review of the social sphere of the forest complex on the basis of which a set of core interests of the population is designed (harvesting the resources of the ecosystem to provide for their own needs and the improvement of the environment; the use of resources of the forest ecosystem for income generation; the purchase of products of the forest complex for own needs; work in the forestry complex enterprises with the aim of obtaining income; cultural, scientific, aesthetic, religious, and recreational interests); the list of roles of social agents in the structure of the regional forest complex formed in accordance with the proposed set of core interests. The results obtained can be applied in building agent-based models of the forest complex for its future analysis and planning
social environment, social institution, institutional environment, regional forest complex, social planning, model of the social system