VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Russian Family and National Economy

Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V.

5 (12), 2017

Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V. Russian Family and National Economy. Social area, 2017, no. 5 (12). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2434?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The family as a social, demographic and economic concept is studied today by a variety of sciences. There are many approaches to this multifaceted concept, which in recent years has undergone significant transformations due to various changes in society. An entire socio-economic system of the country is based on the “family economy”, which is the primary link, the basis for building economic relations between the individual and the state. The current situation only exacerbates economic problems of the Russian family. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the influence of Russian families on the economy, and to identify financial problems in Russian families. The fundamental nature and importance of the research problem in the framework of the project consists in thet fact that economic development and social welfare of the country today is more and more determined not only by natural resources but also by human resources, which are directly linked with the current demographic situation, the nature of the processes of reproduction, which determine its future demographic potential. The dynamics of demographic processes are largely determined by family structure, demographic behavior of the population in which there have been significant changes, including the effects of socio-economic factors. The family is one of the most ancient communities of people that implement the process of reproduction of generations and human socialization to a significant degree. Fundamental and deep research on population issues were carried out by Russian scientists such as S.G. Strumilin, M.Ya. Sonin, E.L. Manevich, L.E. Mints, P.P. Litvyakov, V.G. Kostakov, A.E. Kotlyar, B.D. Breev, L.L. Rybakovskii, V.S. Nemchenko, N.M. Rimashevskaya and others. However, the modern socio-economic situation is dynamically changing, and it requires new empirical data to make efficient and informed decisions in matters of family policy at the state level. The fundamental methodological principle of the project (with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project 17-32-00005) is a system approach that helps link economic, demographic, institutional problems in order to identify family structure of the population, formed under the influence of the dynamics of the social and gender structure of the population. In the framework of the project it is planned to carry out full assessment of spatial differentiation of the Russian population in the beginning of the 21st century on the basis of in-depth analysis of the country’s regions


demography, sociology, family structure, family economy, family problems