VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Humanities"

Principles of and Approaches to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training of Scientific Personnel in Graduate School

Kelsina A.S.

4 (11), 2017

Kelsina A.S. Principles of and Approaches to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training of Scientific Personnel in Graduate School. Social area, 2017, no. 4 (11). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2380?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Russian graduate school occupies an important place in the system of training of highly qualified personnel, meeting the needs of modern economy, social sphere and governance. Graduate school is seen as a complex scientific-educational personnel training system. The effectiveness of this system is a relevant question not only in connection with significant reduction in the number of defended dissertations in the past decade, the negative trend which worries many experts; but also with the beginning of the reform process of the institute of graduate studies and its transfer to the third level of higher education. What are the performance criteria applicable to the new graduate school, what principles in their selection should we be guided by? It is possible to assess the effectiveness of any action, process, operation, programs with the help of a certain set of quantitative and qualitative indicators reflecting a ratio of expenses to results, and the achievement of goals. Efficiency can be also assessed in relation to the educational system as a whole and in relation to the forms, technologies, learning methods, management, etc. used in its framework. Existing approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of training scientific-pedagogical personnel do not meet the new requirements to graduate school. Thus, a few indicators or only the economic approach do not reflect the real contribution of graduate school to this process. A comprehensive assessment that seems to take into account all aspects of activity and that includes an increased number of indicators may level the final result. Therefore, the number of indicators should be kept to a minimum, but they must comprehensively solve the question of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of training. It is necessary to consider the targets of a new graduate school. At the same time, one cannot review the effectiveness of graduate school separately from the system of higher education – its integral part – and separately from the needs of the economy


graduate school, goals of training of graduate students, effectiveness of graduate school