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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Tools for Shaping People’s Self-Preservation Practices: Social Networks and the Blogosphere

Gruzdeva M.A.

4 (11), 2017

Gruzdeva M.A. Tools for Shaping People’s Self-Preservation Practices: Social Networks and the Blogosphere. Social area, 2017, no. 4 (11). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2378?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The Internet is an integral part of most modern people’s lives; the number of its users in all age groups is growing every year. Despite existing threats, the World Wide Web has enormous positive potential of information transfer, learning, and dissemination of live values and attitudes. The goal of the article is to analyze the possibilities of social networks and the blogosphere in shaping people’s self-preservation practices. In order to achieve the goal the following tasks were solved: the blogosphere was studied as a media resource, the queries on the subject of healthy lifestyle were analyzed in the most popular Internet resources: VKontakte, Instagram, YouTube; the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking and the blogosphere as a tool to influence people’s self-preservation characteristics were considered. The analysis of search queries has revealed that currently healthy lifestyle is a popular topic in social networks and the blogosphere, they contain a large amount of various text, photo and video information about people’s self-preservation practices and physical activity. The advantages of using this source lie in its informational content, accessibility, ease of use, and popularity among different age groups. The main issues arise due to the fact that readers need to be responsible for their own critical assessment of any information posted in blogs and social networks, because so far the control over its layout, content and security for users is not system-wide. Further steps are necessary to institutionalize the blogosphere and define the rights and responsibilities of bloggers. Findings of the research can be used by authorities, educational and public organizations to develop integrated tools that would promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity. Prospects of the research include the necessity to assess how people of different age tend to trust information from the Internet, what other sources about healthy lifestyle they use and how they check data from blogs and social networks, how social networks and the blogosphere influence the formation of different patterns of self-preservation behavior in the regional community


health, healthy lifestyle, social network, self-preservation practices, blogosphere, blogger, vkontakte, instagram, youtube