VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

A Concept Model of Labor Potential Reproduction at the Municipal Level: an Agent-Based Approach

Rossoshanskaya E.A.

4 (11), 2017

Rossoshanskaya E.A. A Concept Model of Labor Potential Reproduction at the Municipal Level: an Agent-Based Approach. Social area, 2017, no. 4 (11). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2376?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The development of a concept model is a critical step in agent-based modeling of socio-economic systems which helps define and justify the “ideological framework” of the future simulation model. The purpose for the research is to present and justify the conceptual model of labor potential reproduction at the municipal level using the agent-based approach of simulation. During model development we also reveal the role of conceptualization at simulation stages, analyze the nature of concepts such as “model concept” and “concept model», and show the purpose and content of developing the concept model. The article briefly describes and explains the concept of a computer agent-based model, describes types of agents, their characteristics and behavior. The author presents a general concept scheme labor potential reproduction, describes the structure of an agent-based model which, according to the author, should correspond to a three-stage structure of the reproduction process. According to the developed model, labor potential reproduction at the municipal level is determined by the behavior of agents of the following types: individuals (carriers of labor potential), legal entities (employers); municipal authorities. In order to describe employees’ labor potential it is proposed to use the concept of qualitative characteristics of the population developed by researchers of ISESP RAS under the supervision of N.M. Rimashevskaya. This is the fundamental difference between the author’s approach and the ones previously used. People are the main type of agents in the model and differ by eight individual qualitative characteristics of labor potential (physical and mental health, cognitive capacity and creativity, social skills and cultural intelligence, morality and need for achievement), the level of its implementation in the working life, level of work motivation, work performance, gender, age, marital status, and other characteristics. Employers and authorities serve as additional types of agents and create environment for labor potential reproduction. The developed concept model corresponds to the modeled system and the purpose of the study in its structure, content, and operation logic, it represents the author’s intention and serves as a framework for computer simulation models


labor potential, agent-based modeling, model concept, concept model