VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Social Capital of Young People: Experience of the Sociological Analysis

Guzhavina T.A.

1 (8), 2017

Guzhavina T.A. Social Capital of Young People: Experience of the Sociological Analysis. Social area, 2017, no. 1 (8). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2187?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Young people should be seen as a reserve of the social organism, which comes to the fore when there is a need to revitalize and adapt to changing circumstances. The specifics of the situation of young people in the social structure of modern society and its roles in it form the search task for the study of social capital that a given socio-demographic group has. The article aims to analyze the level of trust formed in the youth environment on the basis of the concept of social capital. The author reveals its regulatory role in the formation of an attitude that orients toward the willingness to unite. During the youth of an individual the stock of social capital is formed, with which the individuals move to different socio-demographic groups. For analyzing the state of interpersonal trust the characteristic such as the radius of trust is very important, it is a collection of individuals whom the individual trusts. It is revealed that in the youth environment the radius of trust can be defined as restricted, which orients young people to interact only with their inner circle. The study has found that the level of trust among the youth of the oblast changes in the process of growing up and as they get closer to the group of adults it demonstrates a downward trend. The situation is similar with the attitude toward the willingness to unite. Thus, it can be argued that in the youth environment growing up leads to a partial reduction in the social capital resources of an open type and its closed type is enhanced. However for young people this is not an insuperable barrier to social inclusion, and the opportunities for expansion of social ties still exist. This is evidenced by the number of youth in all groups, who said they were willing to unite. A considerable part of young people who have chosen the alternative “I don’t trust anyone” is also ready for cooperation and unity. It has been established that social capital is distributed in society extremely unevenly. A contradictory position offers significant opportunities for working with young people and build an active social policy in relation to this socio-demographic group


youth, trust, social attitudes, social capital types of social capital