VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Increasing the Traffic of Scientific Institution Websites and Their Internet Promotion

Tret’yakova O.V., Makoveyev V.N., Chugreev V.L.

5 (7), 2016

Tret’yakova O.V., Makoveyev V.N., Chugreev V.L. Increasing the Traffic of Scientific Institution Websites and Their Internet Promotion. Social area, 2016, no. 5 (7). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2074?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Modern science and technology development priorities of the Russian Federation have set new goals for the scientific community, which are connected with promotion of scientific advances. Taking into account the modern level of IT-development, an effective way of addressing this issue is a website of a scientific institution. Currently, almost every Russian scientific research institutions have their own website; however, increasing the quality of Internet resources is relevant to most of them. In the authors’ opinion, in order to make decisions on website development and promotion, it is necessary to have a system of monitoring including the assessment of popularity of website resources. The purpose of this paper is to develop possible approaches to collection and analysis of website statistics and identify the possible ways of promoting websites of scientific institutions. The research is based on the experience of Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Based on the conducted analysis, the authors propose a set of measures which can be used by scientific institutions for addressing the issues of website development and promotion


internet portal, website promotion, website of a scientific institution, promotion of scientific advances, website popularity, social network, hits, visitors, downloads