VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

The Younger Generation and Modernization

Lastochkina M.A.

5 (7), 2016

Lastochkina M.A. The Younger Generation and Modernization. Social area, 2016, no. 5 (7). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/2068?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
History shows that at any stage of civilization development modernization means qualitative changes in not only industrial and technological component, but also in the value structure, institutional area, and people’s quality of live. Socio-cultural modernization is a complex process which works with the youth as a population group, since the youth first experiences the transformation of attitudes, interests, values and culture. Life priorities of the young generation, moral health and its image in general determine social development and the future of the country; that is why the relations between the youth and the state are relevant for the functioning of the latter. The younger generation, being a strategic modernization resource must be both demographically and intellectually protected by the state. Children and young people are not only social actors with full rights, but also creators of the future society responsible for the country’s prosperity and reproduction of future generations; as well as the successors of the culture. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention and examine the potential of the younger generation all over Russia and its entities. The purpose of this paper is to identify the main trends shaping the younger generation as a factor in the territory’s modernization development. Negative demographic trends of the past 25 years have led to a significant deformation of the population’s age structure. Even with fertility stimulating population policy – the increase of the total fertility rate to 2.01 – sustainable positive growth trends of the Russian population will not be ensured. The main reason for this is the high mortality rate of the population (according to the high variant of the forecast – 12 ppm in 2030). It is necessary to make maximum use of the potential of children born in the early 2000s, 20-30 years later. It is necessary to understand the great importance of the youth society as a strategic resource of modernization processes in Russia and take into account specific features of the political structure, traditions and the population’s mentality


region, youth, population, depopulation, modernization development