VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Analysis and Statistical Patterns Search Automation in Addressing the Challenges of Empirical Sociology

Lastochkina M.A., Lastochkin A.N.

3 (5), 2016

Lastochkina M.A., Lastochkin A.N. Analysis and Statistical Patterns Search Automation in Addressing the Challenges of Empirical Sociology. Social area, 2016, no. 3 (5). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/1945?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The recent rapid development of information technology has greatly influenced the style and methodology of data processing, contributing to the creation and practical use of the applied tools, the development of new methods of data base work. It is worth noting that information and communication technologies provide researchers with more opportunities, such as increased performance due to fast data processing, systematic accumulation, storage and transmission of any data sets, including via the Internet. Global introduction of information technology plays an important role in world economic development. Their active diffusion in the economic and social life is the source of economic growth of the country and its competitiveness in the international market. The article analyses modern development trends of information and communication technologies, outlines the key historical stages of information technology development, starting with the 1940s up to the present moment. The purpose for this study is to demonstrate that technology developments and innovations empower researchers and scientific communications and simplify the solution of many problems. The set objectives are the following: reviewing of the main stages of information technology development, revealing the benefits of computer technology use and design stages of data-processing system RISKiM (Regional Study of Social and Cultural Changes and Modernization), defining the relation between modernization territory development and socio-cultural characteristics of the population of the region. The article also presents basic design principles of data-processing system of monitoring of socio-cultural development and modernization levels of Russia’s regions “Regional Study of Social and Cultural Changes and Modernization”. This system helps demonstrate the possibilities of computer technology application in sociological research, namely, in a combination of analysis of statistical and sociological data. Among the advantages of implementing information and communication technologies in sociological research is calculations acceleration, mass access to databases and software, improvement research tools. The planned use of the Internet for further RISKiM-system development will help develop a wider exchange of scientific information between researchers


analysis, indices, coefficients, sociological data, information system, mathematical methods