VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Revisiting Human Capacity of the Socio-Cultural Subsystem of the Region

Solov’eva T.S.

3 (5), 2016

Solov’eva T.S. Revisiting Human Capacity of the Socio-Cultural Subsystem of the Region. Social area, 2016, no. 3 (5). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/1944?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The development of any economic sector and the region as a whole is largely determined by the availability of personnel of sufficient quantity and appropriate quality. Human resource is one of the main factors in economic progress and competitiveness, which is in fact expressed in labor resources, employment potential and human capacity. Under the transition to the knowledge economy based on innovations human resources as a knowledge driver become a determinant of the possibility of such transition. Personnel deficiency is currently observed in many economic sectors: agriculture, industry, healthcare, etc., that is why the study of issues related to personnel supplying and training is an important scientific direction. An important research aspect is the study of human capacity of sectors, responsible for the formation and development of human capital and especially its quality. Among these sectors are first and foremost education, healthcare and culture. World experience of developed countries allows us to conclude that, for the purpose of modernization and innovative development, education is a socially important institution responsible for the creation of new innovative knowledge by initiating the development of qualitatively new science, production and public relations. The role of healthcare in economy and human capital development is also indisputable, since health and reproduction of healthy generation directly affects the quantity and quality of labor resources, as well as labor productivity and sustainable economic growth. In recent time great attention is paid to culture as a factor in socio-economic development and modernization, which is attributable to the fact that the functioning of cultural sphere, ensuring the reproduction of cultural values and being a factor in the development of creative and intellectual potential of the population, promotes the growth of productive forces of the society. The article is devoted to the study of problems human recourse provision of the socio-cultural subsystem of the region on the example of the Vologda Oblast. Human resources of educational, cultural and healthcare sectors as components of the socio-cultural subsystem have been analyzed. It has been determined that, despite some positive trends, there still remain problems of personnel deficiency, influx of young specialists, remuneration, professional prestige, which primarily need to be paid attention to, since their successful/unsuccessful solutions affect not only the functioning of the socio-cultural subsystem of the region, but also its efficiency, manifested in the formation and building of human capital


human resources, education, culture, healthcare, socio-cultural subsystem