VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Socio-economic research"

Social Well-Being of Students: State and Dynamics amid the Crisis

Guzhavina T.A., Lastovkina D.A.

3 (5), 2016

Guzhavina T.A., Lastovkina D.A. Social Well-Being of Students: State and Dynamics amid the Crisis. Social area, 2016, no. 3 (5). URL: http://socialarea-journal.ru/article/1942?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In times of crisis, changes in public consciousness of Russians take place, perceptions and self-esteem take place, which affects social well-being of the society as a whole as well as the representatives of various population groups. The article presents the issues of dynamics of social well-being of students. The definition of social well-being as the person’s satisfaction with different spheres of his life is used as a working concept. The authors justify their research interest to the study of social well-being in this social group, first of all, by the fact that students represent a dynamic and creative social group with an active social position, able to exert further influence over other social groups after joining them at the end of their study period. In addition, this is a social group which is an intellectual development reserve in the emerging “knowledge society”, as well as a group influencing modernization processes. This influence grows in the future after students’ transition to the status of professionals. In this regard, the purpose for this study is to observe the dynamics of students’ social well-being evaluation as a reflection of their own lives in the context of their position in society. The article, based on major conceptual approaches to the study of social well-being, analyses the results of public opinion surveys and official statistics data. The article considers a number of components which characterize students’ social well-being: the general image of dominating public attitudes, “patience supply”, family’s financial situation evaluation, the evaluation of political and economic situation in Russia and the Vologda Oblast. The results of the analysis on selected indicators show that most respondents’ evaluations display a positive trend, although negative opinions also took place. The analysis results conclude that students’ social well-being is still insignificantly influenced by negative trends caused by economic crises. However, some changes to the direction of growing negative evaluation can still be observed. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the representatives of this particular social group are now quite optimistic about their future. The obtained data may be a source of information on formulating the basic directions of the social policy and social development projects concerning this social group


social well-being, students, social sentiment index, young population