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Some Aspects of the State of a Modern “Institute of Grandmothers”: Experience of Sociological Research

Korolenko A.V.

4 (16), 2018

Korolenko A.V. Some aspects of the state of a modern “institute of grandmothers”: experience of sociological research. Social area, 2018, no. 4 (16). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.4.16.3

DOI: 10.15838/sa.2018.4.16.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Ageing of the Russian population, which has a pronounced “female face”, has significant demographic, economic and social consequences. However, while scientists and authorities pay much attention to the first two aspects, the social consequences of ageing, reflected in changes in family and value attitudes, are studied insufficiently. This fact necessitates research in the nature of intra-family relationships of older women with younger generations and features of their family roles and responsibilities. According to researchers, due to the impact of different factors the traditional roles of “grandmother who substitutes parents” and “grandmother is a nanny” are gradually replaced by modern versions of the roles – “grandmother who has a house in a village”, “grandmother on the hook”, “grandmother is a tutor”, “grandmother is a manager”, etc. Thus, the nature of Relations between the older generation and children and grandchildren changes significantly. The purpose of this article was to study the impact of factors, such as education, work, age and nature of residence, on the attitude of modern “grandmothers” to children and grandchildren, the nature of interaction with them according to the sociological survey “Life quality of the elderly people of the Vologda Oblast”, conducted in 2018. The research finds out that women aged 60–64 who have a high level of education, continue working after retirement and do not live alone, more often meet and communicate with younger generations, participate in the upbringing of grandchildren, value a strong family more and feel more useful for theirs family. Women aged 70 and older who have primary and secondary education, stop working after retirement, live alone, on the contrary, have only occasional contacts with children and grandchildren, rarely participate in the educational process, appreciate their family less and do not feel useful for it. So, the author concludes that the role of a traditional “little-educated grandmother is a nanny” is significantly weakened in a modern society, its place is gradually occupied by a working, educated grandmother


sociological survey, women of retirement age, “institute of grandmother”, “grandmother” role